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The Beautiful Forests of Northcliffe.

Northcliffe Forest

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Australia's Amazing South-West

Australia's South-West has to be one of my most favourite places in the world.

There's amazing beaches & coastline as well as spectacular bush & forests.

I think photographing the Australian bush is my favourite subject as it's lovely & peaceful wandering through nature looking for a good composition.

It's also quite challenging, as to the eye it holds such beauty, but as soon as you view the scene through the viewfinder it takes on a different aspect.

" Australia's South-West has to be one of my most favourite places in the world. "

It's always satisfying coming away with a photograph I'm happy with, but even if I don't manage to capture a scene, the enjoyment of simply exploring nature is enough of a reward.

The Trees Of Northcliffe

The old growth forests in the Northcliffe region consist of Karri, Marri & Jarrah.

The Karri trees can stand up to 75 metres tall, the image at the beginning of this post is of Karri trees, but I think the 2 trees framing the image might be Jarrah or Marri.

I really should brush up on my knowledge of plant species of the Australian bush!

Driving Through Northcliffe Forest Park

Although they're all unsealed roads through the actual forest, they're easily traversed by a 2WD.

There's always other access tracks to explore, but best done in a 4WD as you're never quite sure where they lead to.

I have a tendency for doing just that .. ooh look, a track that isn't on the map .. let's see where it leads!

Camping In The Forests Of The South-West

I love my 4WD campervan, it gets me to many places that a normal car couldn't access.

But there's many camping spots throughout the forests of the south-west that are accessible by 2WD, even though the roads may be unsealed.

Northcliffe Forest campground

I found a great camping spot, there was nobody else around & it was so peaceful at night.

To view this & other images, please feel free to view my gallery.


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