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Do Framed Pictures Make Good Gifts?

gift wrapped framed picture

Finding that perfect present for a loved one or a friend can sometimes be pretty challenging.

We all know someone who is hard to buy for & yet we still want to give them a gift they’ll really appreciate.

So what makes framed pictures such a good gift? They’re a versatile, affordable, individual & meaningful gift that is convenient & easy to purchase & often delivered right to your door.

There’s many occasions for buying someone a gift, it can be a birthday, wedding, Christmas or simply to show your appreciation.

Framed photo gifts are perfect for any celebration.

6 Reasons Why Framed Photo Gifts Are The Perfect Present

1. Meaningful

When we offer someone a gift, we obviously want it to be something meaningful.

The wonderful thing about photography is that it captures a single moment in time.

What better gift to give than a memory you’ve shared with that person.

The photo could be from a holiday you’ve shared or any other good times you’ve spent together.

But photographs can be of a variety of subjects.

Framed pictures that represent their interests & hobbies are another gift idea they’re sure to love.

Perhaps they’re animal lovers, so a photographic print of their favourite animal will be a wonderful surprise.

You could even secretly arrange a professional photo shoot of their pet .. that would really make their eyes light up when they peel back the wrapping paper.

Landscape photographs can also be meaningful & hold certain memories for the giftee.

I had a lady buy one of my images of Mt Warning (known as Wollumbin) for her mother, as she used to live in that area & it holds many fond memories.


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2. One Of A Kind

A framed picture is also a very unique gift, in that even if someone else decides to buy a similar present, it won’t be the same photograph, frame or presentation.

Your particular picture will hold a personal meaning, it will be uniquely individual.

It’s not only the photo itself, but the framing & presentation can also be distinctive.

There’s a wide variety of frames you can choose, from ornate, modern & contemporary to funky & colourful.

There’s also a range of print mediums, from a framed photographic print mounted under glass, framed canvas prints or framed aluminium prints.


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3. Ageless

Another wonderful advantage of gifting framed pictures is that they aren’t age specific.

From young children to elderly grandparents, you’ll find a framed photograph to suit.

I can’t imagine a grandparent that wouldn’t love to receive a framed picture of their grandchildren.

For the little ones, pictures of them sitting on Santa's lap, meeting their favourite superhero or pictures of their favourite animals can all be a great gift idea.

4. Lasts A Lifetime

Framed photographs aren’t the sort of gifts that are enjoyed for a few weeks or months then stashed in a cupboard never to be seen again.

A quality framed photographic print can last decades.

Not only will it physically last, but the meaning behind the picture will also last a lifetime.

A framed picture is a memory that can be enjoyed for many years.

Life is constantly changing & sometimes we can move house or even countries.

A framed photograph is a gift that’s easy to pack & take with us wherever we go in life.

5. Easy

Just because something’s easy doesn’t make it less valuable.

Purchasing a framed photograph is so much simpler than trudging around the shops.

There’s an abundance of online art shops offering framed pictures, as well as printing services where you can print your own images.

Online stores are easy to browse & you’re sure to find that perfect gift.

Print services are also super convenient.

Simply upload your image file, choose the size & frame you’d like & wait for it to be delivered to your door.

6. Affordable

Another fabulous reason why framed pictures are great gift ideas is their affordability.

There’s a price range to suit any budget.

If your pocketbook allows & the giftee loves their art, then fine art photography can be an exclusive present.

This style of framed picture can cost into the hundreds of dollars & limited edition prints by reputable photographers can be in the thousands.

But most framed prints are very affordable.

Obviously the larger the print, the bigger the frame & this will add to the cost.

But that will also depend on the style of frame chosen.

Framed canvas photo prints are great value for money & really offer a good bang for your buck.

If you have a high resolution image, metal prints offer an amazing 3D type quality, but they can sometimes be more expensive than canvas or photo prints.

Make sure to use a quality print lab though, there’s cheap prints being offered & they’re cheap for a reason.

Final Thoughts

Obviously being a photographer, I think framed pictures are a marvellous gift idea!

But they really are a versatile present, I hope this article helped you decide on a gift & you now have some ideas of what to buy your friends or loved ones.

Please feel free to share this article .. remember .. sharing is caring.


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